Friday, August 19, 2011


This special offer is being made by our attorney associates to Funding RoadmapTM subscribers

Get your startup, current business, business acquisition or a franchise funded in less than one month:
Have an existing Traditional non-Roth” Retirement Plan? If so, within 3 weeks from now you can use your retirement plan assets to fund your own business, or to buy an existing business or franchise, tax-free and without penalty. You need a Self-Directed Solo 401(k) plan sponsored by a Properly Structured “C” Corporation. Then you can rollover your existing plan assets into the new self-directed plan, which remains under sound professional management, but is subject to your discretion as to what it will invest in. You can even get an SBA-backed loan to supplement your limit on retirement funds you wish to invest.

Get a much higher return on your invested retirement plan assets:
Diversify your plan assets into alternative sound investments such as steeply undervalued income real estate property, mortgage certificates, platforms, and tax lien certificates, which for example, pay government guaranteed interest yields between 15% to 25%, outperforming your current limited plan that barely pays 3% to 4% (or even much less) due to being restricted to only money market, bond and equity fund investments. The equity (stock) funds component of this investment portfolio mix can expose your retirement funds to unpredictable volatile market swings that can often cause losses in the value of your retirement fund assets, Today's recessionary climate makes this even more of a likelihood and concern. Yearly tax-deferred profits from your own business provides for an ideal return on investment scenario to realize much higher returns on your tax-deferred funds, lending to a much more comfortable retirement.

Retire much earlier and richer: Don't be forced to continue working in your post-retirement years:
From such higher yields you can retire much earlier and richer, instead having to supplement your income like most American retirees must do when reaching retirement age (officially at 59 ½ years old). For the average retiree, retirement income distributions plus Social Security is not enough to support their current quality of life at retirement time, so they must maintain a job and continue working just to make ends meet. If you need money for any reason before you retire, you can borrow up to $50,000 from the plan without any early withdrawal penalty (10% for pre-retirement age distributions) or tax liability on the proceeds.

Immediately reduce your tax burden more than enough to put you in a much lower tax bracket:
See most the money ordinarily withheld for income taxes in your paycheck with no tax repercussions:
Beat Uncle Sam at his own game. Immediately reduce your taxable personal income by enough to put you in an appreciably lower tax bracket, with more disposable income (“take home pay”) to invest or spend as you wish to enhance your quality of life beyond the point when you had to have such taxes withheld for next years tax liability. No more playing of this “tax withhold and refund” game. How is this possible?
  • Having the status of being a business owner and employer affords you many tax deductions and special refundable credits not available to non-business owners and non-employers,
  • Many expenditures ordinarily classified as personal expenses can be apportioned and reclassified as being part personal expenses and part business expenses, making a large portion tax-deductible.
  • You can make higher contributions of pre-tax dollars to your retirement plan which are fully tax deductible and deferred into your retirement plan, reducing more of your taxable salary income.
  • Yearly pre-tax earnings from the business are tax deferred inside the retirement plan itself.
  • Capital gains on the sale of your business are tax deferred inside the retirement plan itself.
  • You can pay salaries to yourself, your spouse and other family to keep the income in the family without negatively impacting your personal tax liability from having to take a higher salary.

Types of retirement plans that can be rolled over into your brand new Solo 401(k) Plan:
You must have a Traditional “non-Roth” Retirement Plan for a permitted rollover; these include:
  • Traditional IRA and Traditional 401(k)
  • 403(b) Tax sheltered annuity plans (Employees of schools and certain tax-exempt orgs.)
  • 457 Plans (for governmental agencies)
  • SEPs and SIMPLE Plans
  • Annuity Plans
  • Defined Benefit Plans
  • Rollover Plans
  • The only exceptions are Roth IRAs and Roth 401(k) plans; because they cannot be rolled over.

Do you fit the ideal situation to benefit from this ideal arrangement?
If not, don't fret, because there are other arrangements that will work for your ultimate benefit.
Ordinarily and Ideally, if you are currently working as a W-2 employee (or even unemployed) with a traditional (non-Roth) retirement plan, you fit the ideal situation to benefit. Here's what you would do:

  • Start your own business organized as a “C” Corporation
  • Become an employee of your new incorporated business
  • Rollover your existing retirement plan into your newly created Solo 401k

Don't have a W-2 job? Do not have an existing retirement plan. Do not have a traditional (Non-Roth) retirement plan? Do not have any retirement plan at all? Do not own your own business?
No Problem: Your financial bottom line can greatly benefit from these arrangements no matter what:

  • Are you currently working as a W-2 employee (or unemployed), but you have a Roth (non-rollover) retirement plan? If so, No Problem! Here is what you do:
  • Start your own business organized as a “C” corporation
  • Become an employee of your new business. Hire your spouse or child if you wish.
  • Create a new Solo 401k Plan to supplement your existing Roth retirement plan
  • Are you currently working as a W-2 employee with no retirement plan whatsoever? If so, No Problem! Here is what you do:
  • Start your own business organized as a “C” Corporation
  • Become an employee of your new business. Hire your spouse or child if you wish
  • Create a new Solo 401k Plan
  • Are you a self-employed business owner with no retirement plan? If so, No Problem! Here is what you do:
  • Reorganize your existing business as a “C” Corporation (or start a new one)
  • Become an employee of your new business. Hire your spouse or child if you wish
  • Create a new Solo 401k Plan
  • Are you an unemployed person with no business or retirement plan at all, but thinking about going into business for yourself: If so, No Problem! Here is what you do:
  • Start your own business organized as a “C” Corporation
  • Become an employee of your new business. Hire your spouse or child if you wish
  • Create a new Solo 401k Plan

Creating or reorganizing your business as a “C” Corporation, and creating a self-directed retirement plan in your own corporation provides a way to shelter and defer your business profits from corporate income taxes for many successive years retaining that money to help grow your business faster, and also shield your profit from the sale of your business from capital gains taxes until you are ready to retire and take down distributions. At that time you are only tax based upon how much you withdraw <each calendar year> where taking lower amounts can keep you in a lower tax bracket, while you will consider the right strategic time to take down higher amounts when you have enough deductions (write-offs) against this extra taxable income to counter the tax effect of such transactions with the effect of doing minimal damage. The primary reason why you should switch to a “self-directed” retirement plan is so you can expand your horizons of other more lucrative investment opportunities that can grow your retirement plan assets much faster and to a higher appreciable dollar volume to ensure a comfortable retirement that does not require you to get a job after you retire just to make ends meet. This can be done with the right program of investment planning in place. I will consult you on setting up such mechanisms and resources.

Becoming an salaried employee of your own business while also being a participant in its self-directed retirement plan provides a way for you to take profits out of the business via the employer and employee retirement plan contributions. For the employer such contributions can be as high as the lower of $49,000/year or 25% of your gross wages. For employees under age 50 this limitation can be as high as $16,500/year and for employees age 50 and over this limitation is $5,500 more totaling to $22,000/year. This employee portion of this contribution comes from pre-tax money (out of your salary) each year and is tax deferred (sheltered from taxes) until you take it out as incremental distributions after retirement time.

Hire your spouse children as employees, especially if you had planned to distribute a significant portion of your after-tax salary earnings to such family members. Members of your immediate family probably account for where much of your after-tax earned money goes anyway. So the smarter more savvy thing you can do would be to put these family members on payroll as another way of taking more compensation out of your business earnings without putting you in a higher tax bracket. Just remember to keep their compensation low enough to where you can still use your children as dependents and they will not end up with a tax liability not covered by their standard deduction/exemption rates plus an earned income credit (EIC) as single filers, and if you use a filing status of “married filing joint” you will still be able to outweigh the impact of your spouse's extra earnings with the benefit of assuming this filing status.

To get started simply execute the following tasks:

  • Prepare your business plan presentation with the Funding RoadmapTM
The ultimate success of a funding pan will ultimately depend upon your ability to prepare and adhere to a sound plan for business success that can be kept up to date on the fly where you can benchmark and monitor the progress of your business model fulfillment with all the tools to justify funding your project or venture for the objective of measurable growth and profitability. The Funding RoadmapTM is precisely that tool to help facilitate realizing these objectives.

Therefore this first step will require you to register for a 1 year subscription to the Funding Roadmap and then begin preparing the applicable sections of the report to give you a sound idea of what business model you plan to operate and invest your retirement funds in.

  • Set up a “C” Corporation that is properly structured to meet the criteria of our Program.
After you complete your subscription registration for the Funding Roadmap, give me a call at (877)780-8955 ext. 702 and I will consult you on this compliant corporate formation, set up and structuring. Then afterward I will connect you directly to our associated attorneys who will set up the entire program for you. They are among the nation's top Tax Law and ERISA Act Law specialists and will treat you and your business with the utmost integrity, competence, care and professionalism. They are the absolute best at what they do.

I am available to assist you whenever you need answers, so please feel at liberty to call me in the meantime if you have any other questions or special needs.

Only The Best,

Reginald W. Spivey
CFO & Corporate Structuring Specialist
Unismart Capital Group
(877)780-8955 ext. 702

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Kukicha Twig Tea for Optimal Health

When you get serious about implementing a few solutions to optimize your health, you should strongly consider adding Kukicha Twig Tea to your arsenal of options which produce results that can be noticed immediately.

What Is Kukicha Twig Tea?

Kukicha is made from the twigs, stems and coarse leaves of the tea tree, just as green, black and oolong tea is a product of the leaves, and white tea is made from the buds. In Uji Japan, the old tea district located between the ancient capitals of Nara and Kyoto, tea farmers would make kukicha for themselves after selling the more valuable leaves and buds. They developed a precise method for creating this 'peasant's drink'.

Like sencha green tea, there are myriad health benefits of kukicha tea. It is made by first steaming the harvested plant. The twigs are sun dried and then stored in paper bags for two to three years, allowing the flavor to develop. Following the aging process, they are cut to specific lengths, and then grouped according to their grade. Each grade is roasted for different durations and temperatures in order to end with the consistent desired taste of kukicha twig tea - light, nutty and slightly creamy.

In Japan, kukicha still carries the stigma of a poor man's beverage, but in the West, it has been embraced for its remarkable ability to stabilize health and promote longevity. George Ohsawa, the founder of macrobiotics, and Michio Kushi, one of his disciples, popularized the drink, spreading the knowledge of the natural kukicha tea benefits. It plays a central role in the macrobiotic diet, which is based on the belief that balance is the key to optimum well-being. The macrobiotic diet consists of mostly whole grains, fruits and vegetables, legumes and seaweed, with kukicha as one of the recommended beverages.

Health Properties of Twig Tea

Kukicha tea benefits are numerous and potentially profound. Its primary impact lies in its alkalizing abilities; kukicha tea helps to alkalize the body's fluids and tissue, thereby balancing acidity levels and preventing disease. Most people have too much acid in their body, caused by a diet rich in acid-forming foods, such as meat, eggs, dairy products, white flour, sugar and artificial sweeteners; and, too few alkaline foods, which include fresh vegetables and most fruits. Even a mild case of acidosis can, over time, manifest in the form of cardiovascular problems, difficulty losing weight, bladder or kidney trouble, a weak immune system, premature aging, joint and bone problems and fatigue. This is because an acidic body has to borrow buffering minerals, such as magnesium, calcium and potassium, from the bones and vital organs. These nutrients are then used to neutralize acid and remove it from the body, but are unable to complete their normal functions. Also, as a response to an overabundance of acid, the body conserves fat in order to trap and protect itself, leading to unnecessary weight gain.

Kukicha twig tea has the strongest alkalizing ability of any Japanese tea. It is also packed with nutrients. A cup of twig tea is a good source of calcium, zinc, selenium, copper, manganese and fluoride. It is also a rich source of B-complex vitamins, vitamin C and A, flavonoids and the same polyphenols that have made green tea known as a cancer-fighting food, catechins.

Catechins act as powerful antioxidants, minimizing the effect of free radicals before they have a chance to damage other cells. One catechin in particular, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) has twenty-five to one hundred times the antioxidant capability of vitamins C and E, which are the primary water-soluble and fat-soluble antioxidants. Research has shown that EGCG may not only prevent cancer, but also suppress tumor growth, and block enzymes which help to spread cancer within cells. Many have claimed eating a macrobiotic diet, including kukicha twig tea is a cure for some cancers. Although there is no scientific evidence of this, George Ohsawa may be correct - kukicha tea is one of the most balancing beverages, and therefore is an integral part of optimal health.

Drinking Kukicha Twig Tea

Like green tea, twig tea should be made with hot, not boiling water. Allow boiled water to cool, then steep the tea for up to three minutes. Unlike black tea, kukicha has almost no caffeine - approximately 10 percent the amount of a cup of coffee. It can be enjoyed throughout the day without the adverse effects of caffeine. Brewed kukicha can also be mixed with apple juice and served cold.

Despite the positive claims of the health benefits of kukicha tea, almost no research has been done at this point. Perhaps drinking twig tea will add years to your life; maybe it can slow, if not cure some cancers. Regardless if it is a miracle drink or not, it remains a highly beneficial and enjoyable drink.

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